Sunday, December 11, 2005

I'm a slave.... my garden lol.What did you think I was going to say? Tsk Tsk Tsk smutty minds lol.
Have been madly tying back lillies(canna,arrum and ginger),they're trying to take over the whole yard and the chooks like hiding their eggs under the big leaves.
The chooks are not impressed with me now.
The plum tree had to have it's branches propped up with wood and metal pipes,as the fruit is so abundant and heavy I was in danger of being knocked out with a broken branch(Grumpy kept telling me to sit under it...)
The capsicums are starting to open their flowers...hmmm yummy sweet things.The tomato plants have reached 6 foot and are still growing - and there's multitudes of tomatoes with heaps more flowers waiting for the bees to patter their feet inside them.
Cutting the(itty bit of) lawn with hand shears is great upper body work..or so I keep telling myself LMAO.Grumpy finally got the whipper snipper out and cleaned up for me(he assures me he wasn't chasing me with it, I just "kept getting in his way").
The chooks are madly scratching everywhere,now there's more space and the grass is shorter -they have issues with grass longer than their toes.
Cooked tea,did 3 loads of washing,did the garden and found some ancient 1980's albums at the local market.....I think I'm allowed a nana nap now LOL.


Blogger craggles said...

OOh we do delight in yr hand is going well..scratched me ass 2 hrs outta surgery , so no law suite pending against ortho surgeon.
FOUND THIS interesting site for you..and the KITTY MASSAGER FOR MADAM BABUSHKA OR ?

Monday, 12 December, 2005  

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