Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Surveying my domain...

..while sipping Chilean sparkling wine...hmmm...gives everything that lovely rose-coloured hue.
The dust bowls the chooks created today don't look like ankle-breaking holes of dirt(might pop a few radishes in them)..found a couple of very well-hidden eggs..they've taken to burying them rather deeply in soil(perhaps they think Mother Earth will nurture them?)..tough,the old cow found em and is giving them to the bois next door ! They are not best pleased with Mumsie,chasing all and sundry but especially my toes. Next doors' cat ventured into the yard...next doors' cat went hightailing it over the fence with the chooks in hot pursuit LMAO(he's a slow learner,is next doors' cat).
Rainbow Lorikeets have landed...tis the time for drunken raucous acrobatic parties amid the tree tops.Fermenting plums make for the best tipple of native birds apparently...they seem to tell more and more friends each year in proportion of the spreading growth of the fruit trees...pity they didn't issue byo invites.Will try to get a decent pic this year,they refused to sit still for the camera last year...too busy showing off and gossiping with long lost feathered friends while chomping on my fruit.Wouldn't mind so much but the buggers eat half a fruit and leave it to start on another....obviously weren't brought up to clean everything off their plates! But the fruit bats may be back to clean up after them this year.
We MAY have a baby !
Grumpys Red Rumped Grass Parrots have been behaving in the most odd manner and we spied the remains of a hatched egg shell in the bottom of the cage.Madame Cheeky(she of the shy and retiring nature-god knows how she came to live with us !) is scrabbling about in the nesting box most of the day and Grumps(he of the more front than Myers disposition) is standing guard outside the box or venturing inside to give forth of his opinion about the state of the nation.We can only wait...have to remove the baby/babies when they've shed their down,as daddykins views them as interlopers into HIS territory and after 3 years,that cage has his personality stamped all over it...and our fingers LOL.


Blogger Dino & Joe said...

aah, more pics please. we are both missing the joys of nature, living in a apartment that faces a brick wall with on dead tree in the distance.
oh, and btw, is it the grass parrots that have red rumps or is it Grumpy?

Wednesday, 28 December, 2005  
Blogger Bugs said...

Both have red rumps...Grumpy gets his via special delivery from me :P

Saturday, 31 December, 2005  

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