Saturday, November 18, 2006

It's soooo eeeeeasy being greeeen

Wasn't it Kermit that sang "It's not easy being Green" ? !
This is just one of our THREE different solar /dynamo powered radios/lantern.The mirror looking thingie is actually a compact foldaway solar panel(2.5 watts),capable of recharging this radio to run for approx.22 hours .
We have a larger solar panel(10.5 watts) which charges up our other things - like mobile phones,radios,12 volt lamps,12 volt fans,anything at all - can even trickle charge the car battery.
One radio/lantern comes with it's own solar panel attached and a 9 watt "U" fluro tube that lights up a whole room for 4 hours.
We have 2 other rechargable lamps that also run off the solar panels.
The humble solar garden light has been brought indoors as "night lights" throughout the house,illuminating enough so people avoid falling over the cats in the middle of the night !
Also have 2 solar battery chargers-stick 'em in the sun and recharge your batteries for free.
With a small outlay,we have halved our electricity bill within the first month of using these rechargable thingies.
Our house has now 9 new water barrels,holding a total capacity of 2,000 litres( not including the water tank).Our grey waste water is being diverted everywhere and we use so little mains water we are now over $1,000.00 in credit to the water company.
Ahhhhhh gotta love how easy it is to be green .


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carbon credits to you to little J..he probably thinks solar is what shines outta his fundamental orifi

Saturday, 18 November, 2006  
Blogger Dino & Joe said...

sounds like you've got a whole 'solar system' going there.

didnt know that treacle ran off rechargable batteries!

Monday, 20 November, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

kool ideaz v clevr

Tuesday, 21 November, 2006  

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