Saturday, December 30, 2006

Drier than a dead dingoes' donger ?

Crikey things are crook in Tullarook,as the saying goes.
(Where is Tullarook and why were things so crook there ?)
But things are crook in the ACT,with the drought costing billions of moolah for ordinary households,with far-reaching consequences.
If Canberra,our Nations' Capital,is heading down the gurgler,someone better bung a plug in that hole before we're all drier than a dead dingoes' donger(just to put it into the crude vernacular).
At least the rain tank industry is witnessing a upsurge of employment and,creating some hope.
Steve Bracks,our infamous State Premier,aka Bracksy the Ballarat Bludger,has rubbed dry dust into householders' weeping eyes with his Water Police NOT investigating businesses wasting our drinking water AND ! Bracksy has been flushing the rivers with our rapidly shrinking drinking water supply to the tune of 30 billion litres since October.Rain dance anyone ?


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