Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Trees 'n' things

This is a pic of my Coral tree.Apparently it's of a "great age" according to an arborist/tree surgeon a few years ago,and unusual to be in a suburban backyard.
It's just always been there,sprouting it's brilliant red flowers..and thorns !
This pic shows how the heat burnt one group of flowers but left the other alone.
Just a tad peed off as the seed pods were FINALLY being produced -this tree has never had seed pods on it.(just like the gum tree on our nature strip has NEVER flowered in my lifetime...but this year it is).
Extreme weather affects Australian natives I understand this,but the fact a severe drought in the suburbs was needed for a gum tree to flower shows how natives were planted willy-nilly outside of their own regional habitats years ago.
AND another tree with strange behaviours is my 60-something year old holly tree.Well actually it's my Nan's holly tree but I keep the thing alive for her as she isn't.
This tree was grown from a cutting from Sir Billy Hughes' holly tree at his Mt.Evelyn home.Some might say the tree gave more to Australia than the former PM ever did-meow !
But the holly tree has changed sex - I think.It's gone from a male holly tree with sharp pointy leaves without flowers to a ?female with round-tipped leaves and producing flowers which don't quite become berries.Not being conversant with holly trees in general,I'm merely guessing the drought has changed it's behaviour.
The pear tree is loaded with fruit at the moment,which we're watering religiously with our grey and tank water.After the damaging frosts which ruined so much of Vic fruit,we're fawning over our fruit trees like zealots !
The plums were ripened too early by the recent heat and while they're an ok size,they are only half as big as they usually grow(yes I'm being a size queen now !).
Rainbow Lorikeets finally made an appearance yesterday - been expecting them for some weeks,with the fires destroying their feeding areas.Think they're snacking on a neighbours'red flowering gum 2 doors up the street and keeping our plums in reserve ..though several popped over to check out the produce section lol.
Maggies are gathering in increasing numbers,putting out extra water and food for the chooks,as whatever they leave gets gobbled by the magpies.One fat,over stuffed juvenile maggie can barely get off the ground,he/she's so fat LOL.But they've got a curious nature and none have swooped us(touch wood)even though we walk quite close to them.
The screeching neighbour diagonally over the back fence has gone very silent.The renovations have finished(at last yay no more Cold Chisel at 6am!!) and all is quiet...


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