Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Dances with Spiders

Faced with a choice of Law & Order reruns or doing the laundry(oh my ! be still my beating heart !) I went and played in the water.
I wash everything by hand,so after a day of hot hot hot weather I really didn't mind splashing about in the troughs.I was tempted to take a running leap into the suds but I just knew it would only encourage the cats.
A few years ago Him Indoors made me my washboard because of course I don't have a river to pound my laundry with rocks in my backyard(although we nearly did when we discovered the old septic tank while moving the clothesline) and I refuse to buy another washing machine.
Paddled in the water and then had the fun of chatting to the chook pecking my feet while I hung out the clothes,swatting the stray mozzie and then The Dance of Avoiding The Spiders on The Clothesline began.
Not sure if they're undersized Huntsmen or Wolf spiders,but these large-ish brown furry 8 legged beings take over my line at the stroke of 7pm every night.
They've built webs around Him Indoors' boxers,colonised bath towels,had guests over in our socks,chased me around the line trying to argue their right to be there and given me more adreneline rushes than Hugh Jackman shirtless....though the judges are still out on that one.
I've seen them scurrying down the trunk of the gum tree synchronising their watches to leap en masse upon the line at 7pm.
Some nights I can flick them away ,others they sneak up on me and wave a furry leg silently yelling"BOO" and I swear I can hear them chuckling as I jump screeching into the air.
Tonight I was bravely able to reposition a couple via their web strands into the tomato bushes and walk the long way back to the house.


Blogger Dino & Joe said...

The spiders come inside our house, I think they must have seen us in a magazine somewhere. Their favourite room is the bedroom, just when we're tired we have to run out to get the designated 'spider glass and card' so that we can catch them and put them outside, where they try and land on my bare feet, just for a final chuckle.

One spider was so big it looked like it would not fit under the spider-glass, so we had to be creative and use a spider-tupperware (note: new marketing strategy there). We are on the lookout for a longhandled spider catcher, but only seen them for sale in the UK, not Aus.

And if you do enough situps, you can get washboard stomachs and use those for washing.

Thursday, 11 January, 2007  
Blogger egan said...

You really do wash your own clothes, not using a machine? How cool. We have a washboard that came with our current house. I should take a picture for you and tell me if it's worth any money.

Thursday, 11 January, 2007  
Blogger Bugs said...

DJ&T - my long handled spider catcher is Him Indoors,he's quite cheap too !
Tried the sit ups thingie - the suds went everywhere.

LBB - scorpions and I aren't on speaking terms at all !

Egan - the machines hate me,it's a conspiracy I tell ya ! Love to see a pic of your washboard :)

Thursday, 11 January, 2007  
Blogger egan said...

Which washboard are we talking about here?

Thursday, 11 January, 2007  
Blogger Bugs said...

Egan - your metal washboard !I'm assuming the Ironman washboard didn't come with your house :P LOL

Friday, 12 January, 2007  

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