The Horsewhipping Lord Mayor of Sydney
January 11
Happy Birthday...
1866 Richard Denis Meagher,notorious lawyer,politician and Lord Mayor of 1898 he horsewhipped newspaper editor John Norton in King St Sydney,who replied with several gun shots...(ahhh the good old days when life was simpler!)
1906 Albert Hofmann,Swiss chemist who found out just what LSD could really do(ohhh preeeety)
1930 Rod Taylor Aussie actor The Time Machine,The Birds (no long lost spouse of Mz Liz Taylor)
1770 The first shipment of rhubarb was sent to the United States from London. Benjamin Franklin sent the plant to John Bartram in Philadelphia(extra fibre-y goodness in every glass of Rhubarb Wine)
1783 London's River Thames froze over.A Frost Fair was held with over 3,000,000 people frolicking on the frozen river.(bring back the Frost Fairs I say !)
1878 The first delivery of milk in glass bottles was made, in Brooklyn, New York, by Alexander Campbell(the cows balked at being milked on customers doorsteps)
Urinal thief flushed out...the story made world news about the souvenired percy pointed porcelain.(did Royal Doultan shares increase at all ?)
Dracula's Castle is up for grabs to local authorities for only $78 mill......(seems they've learnt new ways to get blood these days)
Nude skiing Austrian...(global warming has a lot to answer for)
NY Mayors' secure line "bat phone" called by pesky salesmen at dinnertime.....(welcome to my world Mayor !)
Looking for Kings or Queens....(could we swap Camilla with an Aussie checkout chick ?)
Happy Birthday...
1866 Richard Denis Meagher,notorious lawyer,politician and Lord Mayor of 1898 he horsewhipped newspaper editor John Norton in King St Sydney,who replied with several gun shots...(ahhh the good old days when life was simpler!)
1906 Albert Hofmann,Swiss chemist who found out just what LSD could really do(ohhh preeeety)
1930 Rod Taylor Aussie actor The Time Machine,The Birds (no long lost spouse of Mz Liz Taylor)
1770 The first shipment of rhubarb was sent to the United States from London. Benjamin Franklin sent the plant to John Bartram in Philadelphia(extra fibre-y goodness in every glass of Rhubarb Wine)
1783 London's River Thames froze over.A Frost Fair was held with over 3,000,000 people frolicking on the frozen river.(bring back the Frost Fairs I say !)
1878 The first delivery of milk in glass bottles was made, in Brooklyn, New York, by Alexander Campbell(the cows balked at being milked on customers doorsteps)
Urinal thief flushed out...the story made world news about the souvenired percy pointed porcelain.(did Royal Doultan shares increase at all ?)
Dracula's Castle is up for grabs to local authorities for only $78 mill......(seems they've learnt new ways to get blood these days)
Nude skiing Austrian...(global warming has a lot to answer for)
NY Mayors' secure line "bat phone" called by pesky salesmen at dinnertime.....(welcome to my world Mayor !)
Looking for Kings or Queens....(could we swap Camilla with an Aussie checkout chick ?)
I love all things rhubarb.
I used to horsewhip my editor all the time - or maybe it was a hallucination.
Egan - That explains your ability to leap marathons in a single bound !
Joe - most editors need a good horsewhipping to keep them in line ;)
Rhubarb? Are you saying rhubarb powers my bum and makes me run faster? I will investigate this.
Egan - Rhubabr is the secret power source for all superheros...just ask Flatulence Man :P
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