Thursday, January 18, 2007

Razor blades,barbed wire and bears(oh my!)

This mornings' food from the vegie patch.The dark tomatoes are the Black Russian Tomatoes,the citrus are Tangelos and the strawberries are bursting with fruit now.
January 18...
Festival of Hera,from Ancient Greece.Hera is the goddess of marriage and the wife of Zeus.She spent most of her time plotting revenge on the other women Zeus consorts with.This frustrates Zeus so much he chains her to Mt Olympus with anvils on her feet.(I've known couples like this...and it all ends in tears or at the CSI lab)
Happy Birthday...
1813 Joseph Farwell Glidden - inventer of the first commercial barbed wire(thousands of teen boys can thank him for their scarred backsides)
1849 Edmund Barton first Prime Minister of Australia (and totally unknown to Aussie schoolkids until a TV ad for teabags taught them their history)
1944 Paul Keating Australia's 24th Prime Minister and Parliamentary speaker of such gems as
"He is simply a shiver looking for a spine to run up"
"John Howard has all the vision of Mr.Magoo without the good intentions"
"You look like an Easter Island statue with an arse full of razor blades"
"John Howard is a dead carcase swinging in the breeze but nobody will cut it down to replace him"
"He is the greatest job and investment destroyer since the bubonic plague"(about John Howard and VERY prophetic)
1644 Pilgrims reported America's first UFO sightings.(what excatly was in those peace pipes they were smoking?)
1778 the Hawaiian Islands discovered their first European, Captain Cook,who renamed them The Sandwich Islands and they promptly humoured him by making him into sandwich filling.
1972 Aussie Germaine Greer launched her book The Female Eunuch(and hasn't had anything of worth to utter since)
Scientists who've won a Nobel Prize live 2 years longer than those merely nominated for one...ohhhh better start plugging away on those alien lifeform experiments peoples !
Escaped chimp cleans bathroom....could make a fortune,there's a demand for that sort of thing these days.
Sydney's bears turn 30 and into old women....umm hello! 30 is the new 18 !


Blogger Dino & Joe said...

When I first read the story about Judy the cleaning chimp, I mis-read it as Judge Judy. It made for a far more amusing story in my head.

The people are real, the cases are real, the judge has been sedated.

Thursday, 18 January, 2007  
Blogger Bugs said...

Nursed a judge in detox and trust me,he made waaaay more sense heavily sedated !

Thursday, 18 January, 2007  
Blogger Joe Masse said...

"He is simply a shiver looking for a spine to run up"

Heh, that's how somebody described our own enchanting former house majority leader Tom DeLay.

Homegrown strawberries... yum. They taste like they're from another planet than the bloated plastic impostors at the supermarket.

Friday, 19 January, 2007  
Blogger Bugs said...

Joe - those bloated things have been confused with cricket balls...they have as much flavour and are able to take out a back tooth if you're not careful !

Friday, 19 January, 2007  

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