Friday, February 23, 2007

"Doctor I feel funny." " Then stop playing the clown."

February 23

Today in 1685 Georg Friederich Handel was born at Halle in Saxony. Handel spent most of his life in England. In 1703, at Hamburg, he had a duel with a musician named Mattheson. Mattheson's sword broke when it struck a musical score that Handel had under his coat and thus the great composer’s life was saved.

In 1917,just for kicks,French actress Sarah Bernhardt had her right leg amputated and promptly struck out her dance card.

Fruitful endeavours in 1931 saw the creation today of the dessert, Peach Melba,named after Dame Nellie Melba, Australia's own opera star who had more farewell tours than John Farnham.

The first successful delivery of rocket mail took place today in 1936 when 2 rockets were launched from the New Jersey shore and landed 300 metres away on the New York shore.Not quite long distance air mail and it cost a bomb to send.

In 1940 on this day Walt Disney's "Pinocchio" started flashing his elongated woody around cinemas.

NZ fishermen haul in 450kg squid.....anyone got some spuds for the chips?

Brawling surgeons leave patient in the lurch....scalpels at 30 paces at dawn !


Blogger egan said...

If I was a doctor, which I'm not, I would do the exact same thing.

Friday, 23 February, 2007  
Blogger The Grunt said...

I never heard that story about Handel--cool.

Friday, 23 February, 2007  
Blogger Joe Masse said...

A miss is as good as a male.

Saturday, 24 February, 2007  

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