Thursday, February 15, 2007

Party over at Junos' house !

Now I want this dry cleaning back before the wild orgy tomorrow...

February 15

Feast of the Goddess Juno Februata.Her feast day fell on February 15, and on this day, eligible young women wrote their names on slips of paper and put them in a large bowl. Each single man drew one billet. The woman whose name was on the billet he drew was his partner for the day's erotic festivities.

Prince Philip Movement - Prince Philip,Duke of Edinborough has been worshipped in Vanuatu by cargo-cult followers among the custom people at Yaohnanen, in the Prince Philip Movement. Philip is regarded as the head of the cargo suppliers. The Prince Philip cult dates back to the prince's visit to what was then New Hebrides in 1974. Associating him with a male spirit married to a female spirit in their own pantheon of ancestral spirits, followers believe the prince originally came from Tanna in another form and will eventually return to rule over them.(Over Lizzies dead body !)

60BCE On the Feast of the Lupercal, Marc Antony ran naked through the Forum(woohoo nudie run at 12 o'clock )

1903 If you went down to the woods today you would have been in for a big surprise when Morris Michtom and his missus Rose introduced the first teddy bear to America.

1952 Princess Elizabeth acceded to the British throne on the death of her father King George VI(one small reason why Phil the Greek won't be ruling Vanuatu any time soon)

1965 The red and white maple leaf design was adopted as the flag of Canada,today is Flag Day in Canada.

1969 R.E.S.P.E.C.T ! A Florida, USA, woman was arrested for impersonating Aretha Franklin during a concert. Vickie Jones's impersonation was so convincing that nobody in the club asked for a refund.


Blogger ChickyBabe said...

I better tell my Teddy Bear it's his anniversary. He'd want a 5 kg Toblerone!

Thursday, 15 February, 2007  
Blogger The Grunt said...

I was Marc Antony in a former life.

Thursday, 15 February, 2007  
Blogger Joe Masse said...

"... and NO starch!"

Friday, 16 February, 2007  
Blogger Bugs said...

CB-better help Teddy eat that Toblerone ;)
Grunt-I noticed you toga-ing about the place :P
Joe - yes! starch can leave a nasty rash ;)

Friday, 16 February, 2007  

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