WARNING: Do NOT let me use your microwave...
Today I'm having a hissy fit with the pc.
SOME people I know will tell me I should have gone down the Mac track and today I will agree with them wholeheartedly!
Got a virus last night whilst Miss Feral 19 was surfing the sites.
Did a system restore this morning,ran every scan known to mankind and even some only used by the martians in Area 51.
Somehow along the way I managed to delete IE and Outlook express.
I know,I know....such a talent in PC wrecking going to waste in the 'Burbs !
But the clever little dicky bird that I masquarade as every other leap year discovered Mozilla still in the programs and
I'm still online !
While I'm on the technology roll,I thought I'd finally teach myself to program the VCR.
Now I've just got to figure out how to switch the unit on.....