Saturday, March 03, 2007

Bigger than Ben Hur's Campaign.

Whoever said gardening was a relaxing hobby was obviously not on bended knee before the withered lemon tree.
I have begun my Campaign.
This Campaign consists of radical pruning,hacking,cleaving in twain and general massive amounts of exhausting exercise.
My lime has gall wasp,the pear and Granny Smith have coddling moth,my nashi has Rainbow Lorikeets who refuse to pay rent,the lemon tree has termites,the plum is plotting a takeover of the pumpkin patch and the passionfruit vine turned up its toes.
I have done my best for my ancient lemon tree.It is roughly 100 years old,one of the last originals from when this area was all market gardens.It is Time to chop down my lemon.It has more termites busily building cities in it than Melbourne's outer suburbs has housing developments.
The Granny Smith and pear have yielded a harvest of almost 26 kilos and counting.They are both in for a drastic haircut,the apple having already undergone the Britney Spears treatment,but with less fanfare and regrettably no tattoos.
The passionfruit vine decided to bid me adieu,curling up its many leaves and falling of its perch seemingly overnight.
The pumpkins are ravishing the veggie plots and I have a squash that is bigger than a dinner plate.I'm planning on feeding the entire neighbourhood from my single squash,with seconds for all.
Beatrice the chook laid an egg weighing 98 grams this morning that brought tears to my eyes and smelling salts for Beatrice.