New-ish diagonally-over-the-back-fence-bar-one neighbour....
It could blister paint at 30 paces.
She has taken to competing with the lorikeets,screeching at them to "SHUT THE F**K UP"...personally I'd rather the deafening sounds of drunken parrots on a fermented fruit spree than her whispering sweet nothings...or swapping with Dino and Joe for the Kelly Clarkson Warbling Twins !
Tonight she was discussing with her better/pitied/scorned-by-all other half the merits of ordering a pizza before she "lost the f**king plot with those f**king bastard birds and those f**king pricks of f**king people who f**king grow f**king trees "...I was impressed with the number of f**ks she could fit into 1 sentence whilst holding that screeching-fingernails-on-the-blackboard tone of voice...AND just how well she was embracing living in the green leafy suburbs !
After that I of course went and bought some wild bird seed and proceeded to fill dishes with it around the yard....refilled the many water dishes I have for birds/chooks and also popped out some extra fruit and rose petals for the possums(they scream delightfully when partying,in summer,at 3am) going to build a possum/parrot nesting box to hang in the gum tree(which accidentally happens to be close to her side/back fence).
The next door neighbours ,on both sides,have trees and have no intention of not putting out din-dins for the birdies....*sigh* oh dear I think this is going to be a loooooooong learning curve for living happily with nature ! LMFAO