Friday, December 30, 2005

New-ish diagonally-over-the-back-fence-bar-one neighbour....

Last couple of weeks,with the warm weather forcing windows to be opened,we have been introduced to our neighbour diagonally over the back fence one house down...or rather her voice.
It could blister paint at 30 paces.
She has taken to competing with the lorikeets,screeching at them to "SHUT THE F**K UP"...personally I'd rather the deafening sounds of drunken parrots on a fermented fruit spree than her whispering sweet nothings...or swapping with Dino and Joe for the Kelly Clarkson Warbling Twins !
Tonight she was discussing with her better/pitied/scorned-by-all other half the merits of ordering a pizza before she "lost the f**king plot with those f**king bastard birds and those f**king pricks of f**king people who f**king grow f**king trees "...I was impressed with the number of f**ks she could fit into 1 sentence whilst holding that screeching-fingernails-on-the-blackboard tone of voice...AND just how well she was embracing living in the green leafy suburbs !
After that I of course went and bought some wild bird seed and proceeded to fill dishes with it around the yard....refilled the many water dishes I have for birds/chooks and also popped out some extra fruit and rose petals for the possums(they scream delightfully when partying,in summer,at 3am) going to build a possum/parrot nesting box to hang in the gum tree(which accidentally happens to be close to her side/back fence).
The next door neighbours ,on both sides,have trees and have no intention of not putting out din-dins for the birdies....*sigh* oh dear I think this is going to be a loooooooong learning curve for living happily with nature ! LMFAO

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Rainbow Lorikeets and chooks

Him indoors had the patience to get these pics of the Lorikeets last April...please note the ravished pears !
The chooks having a dust bath yesterday...just what everyone needs in the Summer heat !

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Surveying my domain...

..while sipping Chilean sparkling everything that lovely rose-coloured hue.
The dust bowls the chooks created today don't look like ankle-breaking holes of dirt(might pop a few radishes in them)..found a couple of very well-hidden eggs..they've taken to burying them rather deeply in soil(perhaps they think Mother Earth will nurture them?)..tough,the old cow found em and is giving them to the bois next door ! They are not best pleased with Mumsie,chasing all and sundry but especially my toes. Next doors' cat ventured into the doors' cat went hightailing it over the fence with the chooks in hot pursuit LMAO(he's a slow learner,is next doors' cat).
Rainbow Lorikeets have landed...tis the time for drunken raucous acrobatic parties amid the tree tops.Fermenting plums make for the best tipple of native birds apparently...they seem to tell more and more friends each year in proportion of the spreading growth of the fruit trees...pity they didn't issue byo invites.Will try to get a decent pic this year,they refused to sit still for the camera last year...too busy showing off and gossiping with long lost feathered friends while chomping on my fruit.Wouldn't mind so much but the buggers eat half a fruit and leave it to start on another....obviously weren't brought up to clean everything off their plates! But the fruit bats may be back to clean up after them this year.
We MAY have a baby !
Grumpys Red Rumped Grass Parrots have been behaving in the most odd manner and we spied the remains of a hatched egg shell in the bottom of the cage.Madame Cheeky(she of the shy and retiring nature-god knows how she came to live with us !) is scrabbling about in the nesting box most of the day and Grumps(he of the more front than Myers disposition) is standing guard outside the box or venturing inside to give forth of his opinion about the state of the nation.We can only wait...have to remove the baby/babies when they've shed their down,as daddykins views them as interlopers into HIS territory and after 3 years,that cage has his personality stamped all over it...and our fingers LOL.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Merry Christmas and a happy New Year to all.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Awww poooo

The plum tree branches we'd propped up broke :(
I wasn't underneath(damn I hear many of you say LOL ).
The chooks have found an even better hidey-hole for their eggs the past 3 days and I've yet to crack their secret...
The passionfruit dropped it's first's now sitting on the windowsill to ripen and I'm now spending 3 hours each night watering the whole yard...takes awhile filling up the watering can from the water tanks,with a few stubbies in between.Mozzies were out in force tonight but they won't bother me for the rest of the summer-they'll all be in detox(apologies to Ab Fab).
Feral Beastie breaks up tomorrow I just got to convince him watering the yard is really a great holiday event every day.He will be listening from now on....he's already critiqued a few shows over the w/end and he's savage ! Might join the chooks in hiding under the passionfruit vine !

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

This is Princess Beatrice,she's an IsaBrown ,a hybrid breed created to always lay brown eggs(cause the shell colour is soooo important LOL ).Her pen mates are Empress Cluck and Duchess Chook,same breed as Beatrice.

Saw this pic and thought of NTRM boys...AND I finally figured out how to post pics in my blog(derrrrrrrrrr).

Am now hunting up pics of the chooks....

Sunday, December 11, 2005

I'm a slave.... my garden lol.What did you think I was going to say? Tsk Tsk Tsk smutty minds lol.
Have been madly tying back lillies(canna,arrum and ginger),they're trying to take over the whole yard and the chooks like hiding their eggs under the big leaves.
The chooks are not impressed with me now.
The plum tree had to have it's branches propped up with wood and metal pipes,as the fruit is so abundant and heavy I was in danger of being knocked out with a broken branch(Grumpy kept telling me to sit under it...)
The capsicums are starting to open their flowers...hmmm yummy sweet things.The tomato plants have reached 6 foot and are still growing - and there's multitudes of tomatoes with heaps more flowers waiting for the bees to patter their feet inside them.
Cutting the(itty bit of) lawn with hand shears is great upper body work..or so I keep telling myself LMAO.Grumpy finally got the whipper snipper out and cleaned up for me(he assures me he wasn't chasing me with it, I just "kept getting in his way").
The chooks are madly scratching everywhere,now there's more space and the grass is shorter -they have issues with grass longer than their toes.
Cooked tea,did 3 loads of washing,did the garden and found some ancient 1980's albums at the local market.....I think I'm allowed a nana nap now LOL.

Friday, December 02, 2005

Overdue post.

Well here I am,months later(damn I hear several people say ) lol.
What can I say? The vegie garden and fruit trees are going beserk-this warm weather and rain are taking the hard yakka out of gardening at the moment.The tangello,plum,apple,pear,lime trees and passionfruit vine are literally groaning under the weight of their fruit,the lemon tree is making a great recovery(it's about 100 yrs old and had a few hiccups in recent yrs) and fingers crossed we will get the nashi's this year,instead of the rainbow lorikeets !
Tomatoes galore on the bushes...may have tomatoes before xmas if the heat keeps up yay-nothing like the taste of a fresh,sun warmed tomato picked fresh from your garden.Also been eating fresh peas and beans off the plants-so sweet and crisp,pod and all are a yummy snack while weeding.Lovely feeling to stroll down the yard and pick vegies for meals that day-can't get any fresher than that :)
The chooks are running the whole she-bang,herding the dog and humans about,hiding their cackleberries and pecking at over-grown rears of anyone bending over.
The supervisors hammock has been getting a hard workout-nothing like lying in the shade of a holly tree and being hypnotised by the hum of the native bees buzzing above your head(native bees have no sting-we like this lol).
The magpies have adopted us,(much to the disgust of the chooks),several are bold enough to sit almost at our feet and warble as we throw them the extra bread(5pm on the dot every evening as they demand)-the upside to this is none of us have been swooped this spring,with so many babies around.When they start thinking my toes are big fat worms(as the chooks do) then I shall worry LMAO.
Have ditched the washing machine altogether-no I haven't started thumping our shirts on a rock on a river bank(got no rock)have got me a clothes mangle/wringer of the almost-not-quite-antique variety.Squeezes the water out AND presses clothes at the same time-ironing always was a nasty,filthy 4 letter word in my I'm now working on ditching the electric light thingie(ohhh it'll never last ya know) .....
Well I must away to revel in more glorious rain drizzling into my water tanks and spy out a spot for a last fruit tree.....or more vegie gardens.....and find those bum-nuts the chooks have hidden again !